A downloadable Siege-of-Legions for Windows and macOS

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Siege of Legions is a short little jam game made for the 30-day Jump Ship jam.  It was built with Godot which is completely new to us.  It's a little janky but we learned a lot making it and we think it's pretty fun.  Be sure to check the instructions for gameplay info.

Thanks for checking out Siege of Legions!



Scroll to change camera angle

Left click for primary attack

Right click for secondary ability/attack:

Knight secondary: Block

Mage Secondary: Ranged firebolt

Rogue Secondary: Hold a direction when clicking to dash that direction

Q: Special ability:

Knight - Charge/Dash

Mage - Tap to heal self, hold and point at a friendly NPC to target them then release to activate. (Healing a fallen ally will resurrect them!)

Rogue - Blender knives

1, 2, 3 switches between the 3 playable characters

Esc to Quit

F10 for Maxmimized Window mode


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

SiegeOfLegions.zip 88 MB
sol.dmg 122 MB

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